Poor Drainage May Lead to Lesser Offers
If you are preparing to sell your home and have any sort of drainage issue throughout your home or within your property, you may want to prepare to receive lower than ideal offers. Unfortunately, poor drainage is a huge red flag for many potential buyers as this could lead to future flooding and potential mold […]
Opendoor Buys Your Home Outright – How Does it Work?
Is an Opendoor offer for real? What is an iBuyer? How Does this whole thing work? They say, “Sell your home, skip the hard part” and that’s probably exactly what they offer. No need to stage, list, market, show etc… Just tell them about your home and get an offer. Easy peasy… done. But is […]
When to Sell and When to Stay

It’s no secret that the housing market has certainly turned around. Most markets across the country are seeing an increase in housing prices and a drop in inventory, which makes supply and demand a little more challenging for buyers. However, sellers are finding themselves now about the water where their homes are worth more than […]